Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh for goodness sake!

Well, I'd like to send an apology for the pointless dribble that has been posted to my blogs lately. When I set up I didn't realize that my actual blogging sites were set to also get sent my micro-blogging info. As a result, everything I posted to Twitter, Plurk, etc was sent all over to my poor unsuspecting blogs. *sigh*

Well, I will be spending the next few days deleting all the junk from my blogs so that when people visit they are not bored to tears. (Or at least not as much, lol.) I think I have blogger cleaned up, I just need to clean Livejournal. MySpace can stay the way it is since no one reads it anyway... LOL.

Well, that's it for now. I need to work on my two writing assignments I accepted. (Especially since one is due today - YIKES!)

I hope everyone is doing well!
Have a great day!
Anyone in northern IL - Garage sale on Fri, Sat, and Sun at 515 Brown St in Wauconda. Clearing out g-parents house. LOTS of items.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Service to help with Updating

I just wanted to take a second to say that I am hoping to be updating more often. I found a new service at that will post to all my services and save me running around from site to site, which was part of the problem before. We'll see. It may help with the quantity, but can't say on the quality... lol.

That's about it for now. The baby senses that I'm writing and must have a little baby freak-out. *sigh*

Well, until later...

Friday, May 9, 2008

If you find I am in jail....

Didn't that catch your attention? It should have. I am currently considering going postal on any AT&T DSL workers I can find.... Ok. Not really, so please don't put me on any lists or anything, ok?)

I have spent several days now with limited to no internet access and AT&T is just not helping me. They had a massive outage the other day and completely killed my browsers and Second Life access. (Not that big a deal really, right? Wrong. Not only do I have my internet businesses, but I also have several jobs doing hosting at clubs in Second Life.) I could limpingly (not really a word, I know, but best possible description) access my e-mail, but only barely, and couldn't send out a single e-mail. I couldn't even access the browser to send it through there... They kept giving estimated times it would be resolved, but guess what? They lied!

So then it's fixed. Sort-of. I can access the web now, if I want to wait five to ten minutes to load a single page. At that point it's not worth the frustration because I get so mad waiting for the darn page to load I'm becoming more homicidal.

The issue with sending mail still isn't resolved. I've been having problems for a few months now where it will decline the e-mail. Something will sneak through here and there, but sometimes it would take up to twenty times to send one e-mail! (Have you realized I'm not a patient person by this point?) So I go to the site and read that every e-mail has to be verified through the main account. Ok. Pain in the butt, but I'll do it. I start verifying my e-mails and get through just a few of my e-mails for my seventeen current domains and can't add any more. (Yes, you read that right. Seventeen. Be quiet. I get enough comments from my husband....) Are you kidding me? A limit on how many e-mails you can send to?

So I call tech support. Again. I am at the point that I don't even need to listen to the questions to respond. My darling husband is in the background listening to the growing irritation in my voice and laughing. (You would think we would have been married long enough at this point that he would know that's not the best idea when I'm mad, but oh well.) After waiting sixteen minutes for a live person they hang up on me. I decide after several heated and creative expletives I should wait a while to try to talk to someone for help.

A couple hours later I try again and get a real live person. (I decided not to pay attention to how long I was on hold to spare the poor person that would hopefully eventually take my call.) Low and behold -- I get a person that has half a clue! The first time I talked to someone they told me that I had entered the settings wrong and that's why it wasn't working. Pretty talented thing of me to do since I followed the EXACT directions she gave me. I gave up on her and just dealt with having to send the same e-mail over and over. This new person finally gave me a solution. Ok, so they had to give me a special server to send mail from. (Looks like I'm not the only one with a domain addiction. Who would have thought?)

So, now I can send e-mail! Woo-hoo! Maybe I'll leave the rest of AT&T's employees alone. I finally found one competent worker. So for those of you that work at AT&T's internet branch, you have that one person to thank. Sad thing about it is, I cant' for the life of me remember his name...

Now off to catch up on e-mails I've been putting off......

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A new computer addiction....

Well, I have officially started a new addiction. Yes, you heard me correctly. I joined Second Life. Like I didn't have enough to do before between work, my family, writing, World of Warcraft, and whatever else life threw my way. Now I have this amazing virtual world where I can be and do whatever I want.

If anyone wants to join me feel free to come on over and let them know that Merydithe Tepper referred you. (I get virtual money if you upgrade your account.)

I also have started another blog on the subject as a way to keep up with my in world shenanigans. You can check it out here.

As always, please let me know what you think. If you have heard rumors about it post them here. I'll tell you the truth as I find it.

Take care and have a great day!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Joining the blogging world, again...

Well, I have once again made a vow to being writing. What does this mean for the handful of people that read this? I will be blogging again. Yes, that's right. I'm gonna do it again. (I can almost see the sarcastic comments rolling in as I type this.)

That being said, I have posted a new blog, and will probably be visiting my millions (ok, only three or four) of blogging pages I have to update them. Don't worry though, you won't see the same post many times over. What I am going to do it try to write a post announcing my posts to my main blogging site.

So, for those of you that haven't had your coffee this morning, we get to the "meat and potatoes" of this post:

I have updated my main blog. You can view the newest link by going to one of two places: and clicking on WebLog in the top corner
Click here to go straight to my Blog site.

If I feel I have a really great post, or have a lot to say I will be posting multiple posts to multiple sites. (Figuring that most people that read these little blurbs may not take the time to actually visit my main blog, I want to make sure my most important thoughts are seen by the largest number of people.)

Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope to see you at

Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My kiddo

Just wanted to make a quick post to show a picture of my kiddo that I played around with. This pic was taken in February 2008.

When Tiggers Attack by =unycorne on deviantART

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another day, another blog.

Well, after finding yet another place to blog, I have created a new one. Let's see, this puts me up to..... I don't even know. I have to sit down and ferret out all my links one day.

For a start, here is a little about me. I am a work at home mom of five beautiful children. I have been married to the love of my life for almost 13 years. At this posting my boys are ages 12, 10, 6, and almost 4 months. My lovely (drama queen) daughter is 8. They keep me busy, but are truly the most important people in my life.

I am currently a web/graphic designer, offer retail/distributor/wholesale gifts, sell mineral make-up, bath and body products (ones I have created and those of others), sell communications, and more. Pretty much if it catches my eye and attention I try to add it to my line. I am also trying to become a professional (read - selling) writer.

That's about it on the nuts and bolts of my life. Please feel free to check my links to see what I am currently up to.