Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh for goodness sake!

Well, I'd like to send an apology for the pointless dribble that has been posted to my blogs lately. When I set up I didn't realize that my actual blogging sites were set to also get sent my micro-blogging info. As a result, everything I posted to Twitter, Plurk, etc was sent all over to my poor unsuspecting blogs. *sigh*

Well, I will be spending the next few days deleting all the junk from my blogs so that when people visit they are not bored to tears. (Or at least not as much, lol.) I think I have blogger cleaned up, I just need to clean Livejournal. MySpace can stay the way it is since no one reads it anyway... LOL.

Well, that's it for now. I need to work on my two writing assignments I accepted. (Especially since one is due today - YIKES!)

I hope everyone is doing well!
Have a great day!
Anyone in northern IL - Garage sale on Fri, Sat, and Sun at 515 Brown St in Wauconda. Clearing out g-parents house. LOTS of items.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Service to help with Updating

I just wanted to take a second to say that I am hoping to be updating more often. I found a new service at that will post to all my services and save me running around from site to site, which was part of the problem before. We'll see. It may help with the quantity, but can't say on the quality... lol.

That's about it for now. The baby senses that I'm writing and must have a little baby freak-out. *sigh*

Well, until later...